Teaching yourself about fashion and developing a personal sense of style

Fashion and style. It may seem frivolous to some; however, to others, it’s a passion and a way of life. As a means of non-verbal communication and self expression, the clothes we put on our backs are equally as important as the groceries we purchase at Whole Foods. That is why having your own personal sense of style is paramount. There are people for whom a sense of personal style comes naturally. For those who aren’t so “fashionably inclined”... there’s a few remedies they can try.

A great way to figure out what your personal sense of style may be or may become is to flip through some fashion magazines. Take note of what you gravitate towards. What grabs your attention and why? Don’t be afraid to rip out or cut out you you are favorite images and keep them somewhere in something like a scrapbook, sketchbook or shoe box. You can refer to these images later for inspiration. 

Another way to get inspiration or a visual sense of what you like and dislike is by checking out window displays. Sometimes the way that the sales people or window dressers choose the style of the mannequin can give you ideas of how to style yourself. One might literally asked to have an outfit removed from mannequin so that they can purchase it and wear it exactly how it was worn on the mannequin. What about whether or not to go with a killer dress or blouse? What shoes would look good with a particular pair of jeans? Does this outfit call for accessories?

One of the great things about living in or visiting major cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, Atlanta or Chicago is that you are exposed to all different sorts of folks, from all walks of life. One of the things that you will notice about them is how they choose to I don’t want to themselves. Although New York and Paris are known to be home to some of the most coveted fashion shows, it is often said that the real fashion shows happened on the streets and sidewalks. What an everyday woman is wearing on her way to work or to have drinks with friends is sometimes more inspiring and more interesting than what a model is wearing on a runway. People watching can inspire what do you ultimately decide to purchase and where. You might see a woman out in the street wearing a trench coat that you yourself might like to wear. I often observe the types of shoes people wear. Manolo Blahnik heels, Jordan or puma sneakers, Tory Burch flats… Those are just some of my favorites.

My last suggestion in regards to developing a taste for fashion and the person most of the style is very obvious and the most important. All this observing and noting means nothing if you don’t actually try on clothes yourself! Even if you don’t decide to purchase just trying on different styles of clothing will help you determine what looks good on you and what you like to wear. I know for myself I always like to see you fabrics take a picture of clothes to see how it would look on camera versus how it looks in real life, in real time. How close are made, the way patterns are cut… Are all things you can discover and determined by trying on clothes.

     And all though my love for fashion might seem frivolous or materialistic, I stand by my belief that one must have their own style identity and how they choose to present themselves and navigate the world. Whether we admit it or not we live in a superficial society and although superficiality is not the ultimate element of argument experience, it does play a role in our lives. What do you wear and how you wear it not only affects how people see you but more importantly it affects how you feel about yourself. So whether you are checking out what other folks are wearing or flipping through magazines for inspiration… Figure out what you like and wear it with purpose!


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