Fashion is a Means of Communication and Self-Expression

Communication happens in many different ways. Other than communicating orally, there are many different ways we send messages to each other. Body language is one form of non-verbal communication.  For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, sign language is very helpful. And to those for whom fashion is relevant, what you wear and how you wear it can speak volumes.

A man wearing an ill-fitting suit to a corporate job interview, for example, can indicate a few things. Let’s say the man in the ill-fitted suit is sitting in the waiting area; the interviewer or whoever looks/observes him might make assumptions or snap judgments. The observer might think he cared enough to at least try and dress appropriately. On the other hand, they might assume that he didn’t care enough or couldn’t afford to get it properly tailored. The observer doesn’t know his back story so they’re just left to assume and judge based on what they see, based on his fashion.

The clothes one chooses to wear can also indicate one’s mood. For example, I tend to wear brighter hues when I am feeling upbeat and hopeful. When I’m in mourning or feeling somewhat depressed, I tend to gravitate towards darker colored clothing. Although, the colors or style of clothing doesn’t always match my mood, more often than not, it does! Sometimes, especially for those of us who are artistic and creative. We subconsciously use fashion and clothing to express to the world our current emotional state. Other times, we use it knowingly. Wearing certain clothing that’s actually the opposite of how we feel. We use Clothing or costume to communicate how we WANT to feel or the social status we WISH we had.

Fashion designers have to first feel inspired before they design a piece. Clothing collections often tell a story (or at least they should). The trained, and sometimes the “untrained” eye can decipher the muses and influences that inspire a collection. Fashion shows are a great way for designers to communicate who their customer is, who they hope to dress and adorn. In fashion, design and styling speak louder than words. Designing a collection of apparel is a form of non-verbal communication in itself. 

Whether you are applying for your dream job, expressing how you feel or trying to convey a story or a message… fashion is a great tool/medium for that. Although there is an exception to every rule. Like a woman could choose sneakers or a pair over heels; it doesn’t mean she’s going for a run. What you wear and how you wear it can speak louder than what you actually say. That is why I believe fashion can be used as a way to communicate.


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