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Teaching yourself about fashion and developing a personal sense of style

Fashion and style. It may seem frivolous to some; however, to others, it’s a passion and a way of life. As a means of non-verbal communication and self expression, the clothes we put on our backs are equally as important as the groceries we purchase at Whole Foods. That is why having your own personal sense of style is paramount. There are people for whom a sense of personal style comes naturally. For those who aren’t so “fashionably inclined”... there’s a few remedies they can try. A great way to figure out what your personal sense of style may be or may become is to flip through some fashion magazines. Take note of what you gravitate towards. What grabs your attention and why? Don’t be afraid to rip out or cut out you you are favorite images and keep them somewhere in something like a scrapbook, sketchbook or shoe box. You can refer to these images later for inspiration.  Another way to get inspiration or a visual sense of what you like and dislike is by checking out window di

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